Day 2 - Finding the Right Path
On day 2 of my coding grind I have decided to dive deeper into the pathways, courses available and try to figure out the best use of my time to start with.
I have been doing that by watching Youtube videos by people with their own experiences on what is the best course of direction for a new developer. I have been coding for around a year now but I have not received my first paid job yet and that is the current goal! Also I have been talking to fellow developers to gain an insight on what they think I should look at.
The current courses I want to add to my skillset are : AWS - Cloud Practitioner, Solutions Architect Associate and Developer Associate.
- AWS has a firm grasp on the market for cloud design and I do believe having these on your resume shows dedication.
Test Automation University - Other test certifications
- Test automation and testing is something I lack experience and knowledge in and this will help me understand more about the technology behind it and open up the pathway of being a tester
Fundamentals of Digital Marketing by Google
- Knowing how the internet works and how to help peoples business be noticed (maybe my own) is a great skill to have
Kaggle Courses : Intro to Machine Learning Data Visualization Intro to SQL Advanced SQL Intro to Deep Learning Data Cleaning Intro to AI Ethics Natural Language Processing Intro to Game AI and Reinforcement Learning
I am currently a Web Developer first but these Kaggle courses can give me a taste of what else is available to pursue and if I like it enough maybe I want to follow through.
On day 3 I want to go deeper into projects I would like to build and brainstorm things to do. Also find projects online I might want to do because doing projects is the best way to learn.