Day 3 - What do I want to Build?
Today I have spent the day exploring the coding community to decide what projects I would like to build to improve my skills and resume.
I kept in mind that I do not want to be stuck in tutorial hell so I will be updating this page with any ideas of projects that will help me in my personal life or I would actually use.
Projects : A game Landing Page - 10 Projects I can do -
A Single Page site where you can search through the top 100 rated anime on MAL or use the full MAL api Features :
- An Account to keep track of what you have seen
- A randomizer button that spits out any high rated anime
- anime page has a synopsis, rating and a picture
- results page has a list that has all the results that match your search
A Factory Tracker ( Features :
- Print out QR codes to place on large stock items or small to easily scan for info on the item
- Keeps track of stock based on location, color, type and name
- Can be modified to fit the criteria of whatever the job needs
- Accounts to manage subscriptions and who can use the system
Instagram Course
React and Angular
Youtube Tutorials :
Playlist of React Tutorials-
Freecodecamp Tutorial Playlists -
Character Wiki -
Word Association API -
Projects for CSE Students -
On day 4 I will be working through the the Microsoft Reactor video series on building my job finding skills